Overthrown Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych, from his sanctuary in Russia from mass murder charges at home, gave a televised press conference on April 13 that appears to have been closely choreographed with the Kremlin's wish list for Ukraine: A referendum on a new constitution and federalization followed by a presidential election and neutrality in foreign policy.
His remarks coincided with what Ukrainian authorities said was a special Russian military operation over the weekend to seize government buildings in Donetsk Oblast, Yanukovych’s home region where 10 percent of Ukraine’s population lives.
He appeared at the press conference with exiled former General Prosecutor Viktor Pshonka and former Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko, both of whom — like Yanukovych — are wanted on mass murder charges in Ukraine for the deaths of 105 EuroMaidan demonstrators. They are also under investigation for other alleged crimes.
“Today blood was shed. Our country is in brand new situation now, in essence it’s already in the middle of a civil war. The Kyiv clique has given a criminal order to use force against its own citizens. The local population in the east is seeking a way to defend themselves and their children. The people of Ukraine will never accept this dictate, especially the dictate of nationalists. Don’t they (the government) understand that today the most important thing is not a quick election, but a wide dialogue: The issue of a referendum, which can stop what’s happening now and prevent a split of the country. Only then approve a new constitution and hold an election.”
Yanukovych accused the Ukrainian government that came to power after the EuroMaidan Revolution toppled the ex-leader on Feb. 22 of double standards because they say people in the east are separatists, while “another small part of the population” is called revolutionaries.
He threatened to hold government officials criminally responsible for the planned military crackdown announced on April 13 by interim President Oleksandr Turchynov.
Like the Kremlin that is shielding him from extradition to Ukraine to face criminal charges, Yanukovych alleged that U.S. CIA Director John Brennan visited Ukraine and talked to senior government officials, including Turchynov, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and Security Service of Ukraine chief Valeriy Nalivaychenko, and urged them to use force against the Russian-backed separatists in the east.
“The USA will carry their part of responsibility for the start of a civil war in Ukraine, they meddle in the affairs and tell what to do,” Yanukovych said, pressing another “red button” frequently employed by Kremlin propaganda — that the United States is somehow controlling events in Ukraine.
He said that Brennan effectively sanctioned the use of weapons and blessed the bloodshed in Ukraine.
“As chief commander i would like to address the police and the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine): do not fulfill criminal orders. Do not shoot at people, they will never forgive you.”
The April 13 public statements in Russia by exiled former President Viktor Yanukovych, former Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka and former Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko.
Former Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka, who fled the nation and is wanted for mass murder, who told him that the new government in Kyiv “is starting to forget they came to power through force. The government came to power illegally, and now appeals to law. He blamed them for starting bloodshed on Palm Sunday and asked: “Where are their morals?”
Pshonka, captured on video trampling an airport security screener to force his way past border guards to flee the country and escape a warrant for his arrest, said the leaders in Kyiv had no bravery to solve problems face to face or talk about the important issues such as referendum.
“All they have is greed for power.”
Zakharchenko, the former interior minister also accused of mass murder, said: “Today when all legal and social institutions have been destroyed, legal nihilism has become the norm.
And all illegal orders were given by illegitimately elected officials – (interim president) Oleksandr Turchynov, (SBU chief) Valeriy Nalivaychenko, (Prosecutor General) Oleh Mahnitsky. Makhnitsky gives orders not to investigate criminal case due not to the facts of death and injured police officers. According to our sources,numerous provocations have been planned in on the border in eastern Ukraine. Media also reports that Yulia Tymoshenko attended the meeting of National Security and Defense Council, while she’s not a member of the board. As the legitimate interior minister, I want to declare that people who give the orders will be responsible for that. I also call on police not to obey illegal orders.”