You're reading: Svoboda members of parliament propose Rada legislate mandatory labeling of imported products in Ukrainian

The marking of all imported products must be in the state Ukrainian language, MPs from the Svoboda faction Ihor Miroshnychenko and Oleksandr Myrny have said.

Appropriate bill No. 4302 on amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine (regarding the labeling of imported goods in the state language) was registered in the Verkhovna Rada on July 17.

According to an explanatory note to the document, in Ukraine the legislation does not ensure the mandatory labeling of imported goods in the state Ukrainian language as marking in the official state language, the regional languages or that of national minorities is possible.

The deputies also clarified that the Ukrainian version must be labeled on goods with electronic equipment and/or computer programming (electronic media and devices).

The authors of the bill point out that the purpose of the document is to protect and realize consumers’ rights to information about products, namely the opportunity to familiarize with the characteristics of the goods in the native language rather than the language of the manufacturer.