You're reading: Report of space agency: Ukrainian space sector gets 49 percent of planned financing from state in 2013

The actual state financing of the aerospace sector of Ukraine in 2013 came to 49 percent of the target approved by the national budget, reads a report of the Ukrainian space agency on the use of national budget funds last year.

According to the report, Hr 624.319 million out of Hr 1.275 billion foreseen in the national budget for financing of eight budget aerospace programs was actually financed.

The actual financing of works under the state targeted programs and the state order in the aerospace area, including the general state targeted space research program of Ukraine came to 20.1 percent of the sum foreseen; that for the state program on the for the disposal of solid rocket fuel from SS-24 intercontinental ballistic missiles was 37.8 percent; the fulfillment of debt liabilities on credits taken under government guarantees to realize the Cyclone-4 projects and the creation of the national satellite communications system – 53.5 percent.

The state financing of programs on the disposal of usual types of ammunition unfit for consumption and on the preparation and creation of special solutions to produce the Sapsan new multi-purpose missile system failed in full – no funds were allocated.

As for the budget programs of the State Space Agency of Ukraine on non-school education at the National Aerospace Educational Center of Youth, 72.8 percent financed, and the programs for testing of spacecraft were 92.9 percent financed.

In 2014, Hr 2.568 billion is foreseen for financing of space activities in the revised national budget, which is two times more than in 2013.

UAH 2.333 billion (90.35 percent) is foreseen to fulfill debt liabilities on credits raised to realize the Cyclone-4 project and create the national satellite communications system.

Some Hr 10 million is foreseen to finance the state targeted research space program of Ukraine in 2014.