If Ukraine's presidential elections were to be held next Sunday over 40% of Ukrainian would support lawmaker Petro Poroshenko, according to the all-Ukrainian phone survey conducted through May 6-8 by GFK Ukraine upon the order of the Television News Service (TSN) of 1+1 channel.
According to the results of the survey, 40.5% of the respondents are
ready to give their voices to Poroshenko, who is followed by lawmaker Sergiy
Tigipko with 9%. Batkivschyna party leader Yulia Tymoshenko has a
slightly less percentage of supporters (8.8%).
According to the survey, the ratings of the rest of the candidates is
as follows: Oleh Liashko (6.4%), Anatoliy Hrytsenko (5.6%), Olha
Bohomolets (4.3%), Mykhailo Dobkin (3.9%), Petro Symonenko (2.7%) and
Oleh Tiahnybok (1.3%). The rest of the candidates can count on the
support of less than 1% or 0% of the respondents.
A total of 4.7% of Ukrainians either don’t support anybody or are
going to vote against all. A total of 10.7% of the respondents remained
The survey was conducted upon the order of 1+1 channel by the GfK
Ukraine through May 6-8. A total of 810 people were surveyed by the
computer-assisted telephone interviewing method. The calls were made to
mobile phones. The respondents included Ukrainians over 18 years old
selected at random according to gender, age, size of the populated area
and region. The sampling error does not exceed 3.5% overall and 9% for a
single region.