You're reading: Banker Rabinovich: Cancelation of sanctions against Russia impossible without settling Crimea issue

Western sanctions against Russia will not be lifted until the issue with Crimea is settled, according to Russian economist and investment banker and CEO of Diamond Age Capital Advisors Slava Rabinovich.

“I don’t think that sanctions will be strengthened, but they will not be weakened,” Rabinovich said at a press conference in Kyiv on Wednesday, Oct. 29.

He reminded that the sanctions were imposed due to the annexation of Crimea, and not to armed hostilities in Donbas, and until the issue with Crimea is settle, the sanctions will be in effect.

Rabinovich said that the civilized world will not allow Russia to realize the force scenario towards Ukraine, even if this causes financial loses in the West.

He said that the sanctions were imposed so not to touch ordinary people in Russia and not to destroy the EU and U.S. economy.