You're reading: Ukrainian Olympic alpine skier quits Sochi, blames Yanukovych for deaths on EuroMaidan

Ukrainian Olympic alpine skier Bohdana Matsotska and her father posted a message on Facebook stating that they no longer will represent their nation’s team in the Sochi Winter Games over the bloody events on EuroMaidan and blamed President Viktor Yanukovych for bloodshed. 

Matsotskyy of Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Bogdana Matsotska’s father and
trainer, said the
are “extremely angry at President Viktor Yanukovych’s latest actions who
instead of resolving the conflict through negotiations (which we had hoped he would
when we left for Sochi), has drenched the last hopes of the nation in blood. 

solidarity with the fighters on the barricades of the Maidan, and as a protest
against the criminal actions made towards the protesters, the irresponsibility
of the president and his lackey government, we refuse further performance at
the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.” 

Ukraine Olympic Committee head Serhiy Bubka told Channel 5 in
Sochi that he was “shocked” to hear of the Feb. 18 deaths after protesters
clashed with police. 

conveyed his condolences to the bereaved families and called on both sides “to
return to the discussion table to preserve our wonderful country and nation, as
well as peace on our land. The events (on EuroMaidan) troubles and concerns us all.” 

Kyiv Post editor Mark Rachkevych
can be reached at